1031 Exchange is a tax-deferred plan for anyone who wants to get involved in the property exchange. This exchange has a lot of value for re-investors who plan to exchange their property for a better value property without involving any monetary gains. In this exchange, the taxpayers are exempted from tax as the exchange doesnt involve any monetary gains and exchanges.
1031 Exchange talks about the real estate property that can be qualified as business, trade or investment purpose like apartments, office buildings, multiplexes, single family or condo rentals, raw land, farms, ranches, commercial, and industrial. Thus, the exchange of this property with similar property for again investment or business purpose without the hassle of paying any federal or income taxes is one of the many advantages of 1031 Exchanges. The exchange is restricted only to the provision of Real property including Land, Rental, and Business property and doesn?t involve deals and exchanges of Personal property.
1031 Exchange is thus a great way of settling down your non-income producing real estate investments for a better land that can in other ways help you in gaining some cash and income flow in return. The exchange is also helpful for people who have been holding various properties for long and have not much value for them; they can be disposed off in this exchange and can help them acquire various new ones that can be much more beneficial for them. 1031 Exchange is also helpful for those properties that may be located in areas not much value of now and can be traded with those in a better location. 1031 exchange is thus a great way of exchanging your property without any tax paying hassle and with proper planning you can gain a lot via these exchanges.
Investing in Property is a safe bet & investment for most of the people as it helps them gaining a lot by selling and reinvesting again and again. With the 1031 Property Exchange you can not only gain a lot in the name of exchange and reinvest the same on the better property which can help you pay your previous debts. Most of the people have misconceptions about the 1031 Exchange, it is not necessary that you buy and sell property at the same time to get an exchange, but rather you can do that at a later time which is acceptable in this section and is known as “Delayed Exchange” by which you can sell now and buy at a much later time.
Similarly by this 1031 Exchange you can buy and sell multiple properties and all would be counted in the exchange, if the financial gain is none. Most of the law firms tell an easy formula to calculate this exchange and that is when you sell your property, the replacement property must equal or be greater than the VALUE (sale price) and existing DEBT of the property being sold (exchanged), and all of your EQUITY from the property you are selling (exchanging) must go into acquiring the replacement property(s). The only disadvantage in the section 1031 as far as property is concerned when you get a financial gain and for that you have to pay tax.