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Commercial Property

Office Investment Strategy


Here are some key considerations that can help in developing a successful office investment strategy:

1. Identify most promising cities in terms of office employment growth and greatest office space supply limitations

2. Identify most promising office property locations in terms of value and income increase potential within the city you are operating

3. Identify an office product that can be appealing to changing business practices and demands through thorough analysis of office employment and office services provision trends in terms of segments, office space quality and location requirements

4. Leverage your investment with mortgage funds reducing at the same time equity investment requirements

5. Manage the property/project professionally with a constant view to mitigating risks of value and income reduction and destabilization but also with a view to allowing flexibility to benefit from predicted positive developments that can increase value and property income

6. Engage to synergistic actions that can enhance office project/property value and income earning capacity

7. Identify and gain expertise to investing in specialty office products with limited investor competition that will give you an advantage of correctly assessing demand supply and price prospects and becoming a key player with bargaining power in that segment

8. Take advantage of the cyclical nature of the office market by timing entry in the local office market close to the bottom of the cycle and exiting close to the peak

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