By Dept is a problem that has reached epidemic proportions in the World. A 2019 study conducted by the public policy research group Demos, showed that the average aged 65 or older carries a credit card balance of $10,235, this is up by 26% compared to four year ago. If you are pushing retirement but you have a lot of debts to settle, here are some strategies you should be adopting:Don’t spend above your means – We all want to retire in that beautiful beach house or that rustic log cabin by the lake, with enough tucked away to keep us comfortable. The reality is most of us just can’t afford it, and if you can’t afford it, you shouldn’t buy it, no matter what the credit card companies tell you.Throw away your credit cards – The numbers don’t lie; the surest road to retirement debt is maxed-out, high interest credit cards. By spending only cash, it is much easier to keep your spending within sane limits.Make some extra money – If you can handle it, take on an extra job, or work extra hours at your existing job. A part time job, an online job, or even a side business can be great for earning some extra cash. It may seem difficult now, but you will need the additional cushion in the future.Sell what you can – Websites like Craigslist and eBay now make it much easier to sell stuff that would not have been possible to move 10 – 15 years ago. An old car or two, even ones that don’t run, a boat you never use anymore, antique furniture, toys, anything of value that you don’t really need. If you are intimidated by computers, you can have a relative help you out, or you can even have an old fashioned garage sale.Start saving up – Most people simply prefer to spend money recklessly on things they want now rather than plan for the future. This mentality is probably the single biggest cause or retirement debt. Start saving a portion of your income, and invest it wisely. has a savings calculator to help you figure out how best to budget your money to prevent retirement debt. You’ll find that if managed correctly, you will probably be pleasantly surprised at just how much you have saved when you do retire, and how much your investments have earned for you.